Friday, October 7, 2011

Decor Inspiration: {Lovely White Walls}

{.. where to begin... first off, my sincere and deepest appreciation for your continued support despite my absence... the cause? this adorable cutie pie... as you may know I became a grandmother for the second time on August 22 and my daughter and her family are living with us until their new home is built... it appears to have really affected my daily routine, which I'm not complaining about at all, as I feel very privileged to be spending this time with my granddaughter, but it is the primary factor for not being able to blog as frequently as I have in the past... so, no promises for regular posting until mid-November, but I will TRY harder... in the meantime, please enjoy these images of spaces that I adore and that I believe really show off how dramatic and lovely a space can become with blank white walls as a jumping point... hoping you have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! xoxo}

* all images from here.

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