Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Inspiration: Dramatically Black

{despite pure white loveliness which surrounds, have recently been drawn to seeking out dramatic black images...}

(Valentino Fall 2009 Couture Collection. Source,

(Source, The French Bedroom Company.)

(Source, Birdy & Me.)

(Source, Photographer Melanie Acevedo.)

(Source, Plush Palate.)

(Photographer, Petra Vanjaaiji. Source, Sugar Pop Tarts.)

(Source, Photographer Roland Bello.)

(Photographer Nicoline Patricia Malina. Source, Sugar Pop Tarts.)

(Source, Mocca and Me.)

(Source, Moodboard.)

(Source, Stardust and Sequins.)

(Source, The French Bedroom Company.)

(Source, Sunday Suppers.)