Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Daily Horoscope: Cancer, Leo & Virgo

{Daily horoscope for Tuesday, November 3, 2009.}

(Cancer, June 24 to July 22: You'll have all the energy and opportunity you need to socialize like a pro today, although you might not have as much time as you'd like. It's all about brief, pleasant interludes and snappy comebacks right now. You can save the long, drawn-out conversations for another day. The experiences you have with other people now might feel less substantial, but they are still just as effective at keeping you connected.)

(Leo, July 23 to August 23: Your tenacity is a powerful force today, and it will help you make lots of progress. Just be sure to fold in some fun and make time to touch base with a friend you haven't seen in a while. You will have time to finish what you've already started, without having to shut yourself off from the real world! It's important to keep a balance in your life between using your brain and using your heart.)

(Virgo, August 24 to September 22: You cannot be everyone's best friend -- in fact, you can't even expect everyone to like you. So today stop putting so much effort into pleasing someone who clearly cannot be pleased, at least by you. You two are just not compatible, and there's nothing wrong with that. If everyone liked everyone, the world would be a very boring place. Be grateful for your friends and stop worrying about the ones you don't have. Horoscope via Marie Claire. Photograph Source, Sophie Vlaming photographed by Marcin Tyszka for L’officiel via Lace & Tea. Tomorrow, November 4th's horoscope: Libra, Scorpio & Sagittarius.)