Friday, October 30, 2009

Favorite Color Combination - Plush Palate

{Hi, Crystal here from Plush Palate. While, I'm a neutrals girl at heart, every now and again I like to get out of character with something bright, like orange and blue! I never imagined I'd like orange, but how could you not warm up to the color after seeing it paired with these cool blues? It's simply stunning!}

(Source, Ana_Lee.)

(Source, Flickr.)

(Source, Marcus Ohlsson.)

(Source, Rodney Smith.)

(Source, Norman Jean Roy.)

(Source, Sea of Shoes.)

(Source, Garance Doré. Thank you so very much, Crystal for contributing to the Favorite Color Combination series and for introducing us to this unique color combination. The pairing of these two colors work absolutely beautifully together. Who knew! Well, you did of course and we are very thankful for it! Thanks for stopping by and sharing your color combination wisdom with us.)