Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Daily Horoscope: Libra, Scorpio & Sagittarius

{Horoscope for Wednesday, September 2, 2009}

(Libra, September 23 to October 23: Having a carefree life doesn't require you to forgo all your responsibilities and live like a free spirit. If you are trying to focus on just having a good time right now, don't make the mistake of clearing your calendar to do it. Having commitments helps you appreciate your downtime all the more, so be sure to keep a healthy balance between work and play. If you have no reason to wake up in the morning, or no place to feel useful, you'll never truly be happy.)

(Scorpio, October 24 to November 21: You should spend at least some of your day today trying to stimulate your mind with innovative ideas or new philosophical concepts. You might get confused and even a little bit frustrated, but you will also learn a lot -- and that is what is important. That is what creates new paths for you to pursue in your life. Be open to new ideas -- it's the best way to improve yourself.)

(Sagittarius, November 22 to December 21: Your creativity has always been a big part of your intelligence, but never more so than right now -- the tasks you're working through require the kinds of smarts that you have in spades! This is a very exciting time for you, full of unique people who are helping you to see things in a new light. There might be a frustrating person in the mix, but although they rub you the wrong way from time to time, the sensation they leave you with is always positive. Horoscope via Marie Photograph source, Sasha Pivovarova by Igor Vishnyakov for Harper's Bazaar Russia June 2009. Source, Fashion Gone Rogue. Tomorrow, September 3rd's horoscope: Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces.)