{Daily horoscope for Wednesday, September 30, 2009}
(Libra, September 23 to October 23: You are ready to put your ambition aside to pursue your social goals. You are getting along well with others right now, and this is a harmony you should be in no hurry to end. Being with other people is very rewarding to you right now, and you truly value the people you're surrounded by. So the idea of getting to know them even better should be quite appealing.) (Scorpio, October 24 to November 21: You are nothing if not a terrific planner. But have you been neglecting your social circle in all of your work planning? Your people might be feeling a little left out of your well-planned, excellently executed world. Maybe you should plan a dinner or two with your nearest and dearest -- just check in and make sure everybody is feeling connected. It's important, you know.) (Sagittarius, November 22 to December 21: People who have a lot of power over your life are going to be all around you today, so it's time to look your best and act your best. Of course, they are going to like what they see, and it won't be hard to impress them -- but you can't get too cocky about it or take their approval for granted. Double check your work just in case, and make sure you've finished everything perfectly. Your relationships with these people are good, but why not make sure they get even better? Horoscope source, Marie Claire.com. Photograph source, Photographer Ellen von Unwerth via Captivate Me.)
(Cancer, June 24 to July 22: The rat race is getting especially rough right now, and not for the right reasons. If you're getting overwhelmed by the crowds, step out -- you won't miss out on any big opportunities, despite what others may say. Pressures are driving you out of a social situation too, and that is a strong indicator that time on your own will give your batteries the recharge they need. No one will question your motivation on any decisions you make, so put yourself first this time. Photograph Source, Oprisco on Deviant Art.) (Leo, July 23 to August 23: Everywhere you go will be crowded and active today, so get ready for some sensory overload. To some extent, you'll get a rush from the crowds. But when you need a break, you'll really need a break -- so pay attention to your feelings as the day progresses. All the activity may challenge your ability to concentrate on a developing issue with a friend. Put off making your next move until things settle and you can get some quiet time to figure out exactly what you want. Photograph Source, jjuuhhaa on Deviant Art.) (Virgo, August 24 to September 22: Everyone is taking their own journey through life, and that's liberating -- but it can also be isolating, because no one else can truly understand what you are experiencing. Take this fact to heart when those 'in the know' offer you unsolicited advice today. They have your best interest at heart, but in the end their thoughts are based on their own goals -- not yours. Stick to what you feel. This is no time to start navigating by someone else's maps -- you could get lost. Horoscope via Marie Claire.com. Photograph Source, Oprisco on Deviant Art. Tomorrow, September 30th's horoscope: Libra, Scorpio & Sagittarius. )
(Aries, March 21 to April 20: A rude or insensitive person could cause you some complications this morning, but at the same time they will help give you a fresh perspective on your life -- they'll show you who you don't want to be! Take notes on their behavior. You are doing perfectly fine with your choices lately, so don't listen if this person criticizes you or gives you unsolicited advice. Smile sweetly, and then ignore them.) (Taurus, April 21 to May 21: Be careful of other people who seem too good to be true today, because they probably are. Your instincts about people are usually dead on, so if you fear that someone who is making big claims is full of hot air, alert those in power about your reservations. There is nothing wrong with demanding proof before you buy into anyone's story. Your skepticism might make waves today, but in the end it will save everyone a lot of stress and regret. They'll thank you for it.) (Gemini, May 22 to June 23: When you aim at your target today, switch off your emotions. Doubt, fear -- even confidence -- must get pushed aside or else you may miss your mark. Approach everything with an analytical eye and there will be no doubts you can't explain away. Nothing in life is 100 percent certain, but if you put your brain to work now, you can get things close enough. Passion isn't going to be as powerful as intellect, at least not for a while. Horoscope via Marie Claire.com. Photograph source, A Glamorous Little Side Project. Tomorrow, September 29th's horoscope: Cancer, Leo & Virgo.)
(Arrived home from Yellowknife, Northwest Territories very late on Friday. Was happily settling back into my routine when I caught a flu yesterday afternoon. Oh well, I guess that means a few days of bed rest. Have a great Sunday evening; can't wait to hear from you! Source, Erin Feterston's home via Moodboard.)
{Hello — it's Lori of automatism, happy to contribute to Linda's wonderful color series! I'm particularly drawn to neutral backgrounds with an unexpected note of color, such as in the interior I've chosen here, a mostly white theme enlivened with a wonderful fresh deep pink (and some saffron yellow, too). So pretty.}
(Source, Melanie Acevedo, and was originally published in Domino magazine.)
(... another week full of activities has passed, with another having me traveling to Canada's Northwest Territories, and hoping to see this. As a result, I will not be blogging until next Friday at which time you can find another installment of the Favorite Color Combination series, featuring the lovely Lori from Automatism. Until my return, I encourage you to visit the archives of Simply Seductive or visit the blogs I feature on my side bar. Have a wonderful weekend and week ahead! Source, Elle Es July 09.)
{Hello! Daniella here from Dress, Design, & Decor and I am thrilled to participate in the Favorite Color Combination series, here at Simply Seductive! Truth be told, my absolute favorite color combination is black & white, but when I came across this first photo I just knew it would be the perfect color combination for fall. Deep navy blue and a black cherry red look so luxurious together... dark and very chic, with just enough color for that bit of personality... now I'm just wishing I had these Louboutins to rock this fall... *swoon*}
(Thank you, Daniella for contributing to the series; such an excellent color combination and a wonderful option for one's fall wardrobe! xoxo, Simply Seductive.)
(Capricorn, December 22 to January 20: A work or school drama is carrying over into your free time, and this is growing into a problem. The fact is, people are demanding too much of you right now. It's time to be clear about what you can (and cannot) do for them. This applies to both your personal and business lives, but it's much more relevant to work or school right now. Shocking, thoughtless remarks will come from a surprising source; don't take them personally, though.) (Aquarius, January 21 to February 18: Every choice you've made in the past has helped create the wonderful person you are, so be proud of the lessons you've learned. Show that pride by sticking to your guns and living up to the reputation you've created. People always rely on you to do the right thing, and that's an incredibly valuable (and flattering) position to be in. Don't dilute your point of view to appease other, more powerful people. They'll respect you all the more for being true to yourself -- and that's the goal.) (Pisces, February 19 to March 20: The pace of the day will be fast -- but you'll love every minute of it. For a while now you've been itching for the people around you to pick up the pace, and you will definitely get your wish now. You will be in the middle of the action, playing conductor to a mad bunch of musicians who won't always follow your lead. Humor will be a useful tool for getting what you want from people who don't want to appear to be under your thumb. Reverse psychology will work wonders with a younger friend. Horoscope via Marie Claire.com. Photograph source,Inès de la Fressange at her Paris office. Source,The Selby.)
{Daily horoscope for Wednesday, September 16, 2009}
(Libra, September 23 to October 23: There has been a steady progression of your passions: First they started in your rational brain. Then they took up residence in your heart, growing into something that you truly believed in. But they will move into your gut. Now, more than ever, what you believe in will give you the sense of direction you may be looking for. Use your voice to inspire others to action. A stronger power is coming into your life soon -- someone who can help you make a bigger impact.)
(Scorpio, October 24 to November 21: Your charm is going to be so effective today that doors won't just open a little bit so you can elbow your way in. No -- doors will fly open, revealing a great big sign that welcomes you to come on in! Getting comfortable in a new situation will take you nanoseconds, so it is a perfect day for a big-time job interview or a trip to an unfamiliar place. Your career could take a giant leap forward if you just relax and let your inner brilliance shine.)
(Sagittarius, November 22 to December 21: Today, any secrets you learn are to be kept, not shared! You will be the recipient of a lot of privileged information from a few very influential people. This sudden trust people are putting in you could be a sort of test, and the stakes are high. Do not betray them or disappoint their high expectations by letting some confidential stuff leak out. You have to be vigilant about it, because you'll be involved in several very fun conversations, and it could be easy to slip up! Horoscope via Marie Claire.com. Photograph source, Marie Claire, September 09. Tomorrow, September 17th's horoscope: Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces.)