Thursday, July 16, 2009

Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces + Feathers

{July 16th's daily horoscope for Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces}

(Capricorn, December 22 to January 19: You’ve been focusing a bit too much on physical chemistry lately, Capricorn. Everyone loves a lusty thrill, but this may be to the detriment of a more spiritual connection that’s been waiting in the wings. Of course, it’s not as if you have to choose one over the other. Today, you come face to face with someone who fulfills your needs in both categories. This isn’t necessarily a new kid on the block. Someone you’ve known for years may surprise you by revealing a previously obscured dimension. Stay open to surprises.)

(Aquarius, January 20 to February 18: You’d like to think that you were above base emotions like rage and envy. Aquarius, even a high-minded soul like you falls prey to your own humanity at times. Today, make friends with such feelings when they inevitably arise. They won’t consume you unless you ignore them. It’s only when you try to stuff them down that they spiral out of control. In “The Artist’s Way,” Julia Cameron advises readers to use jealousy as a map pointing to their deepest desires. Notice what direction your green-eyed compass is sending you in today, then follow it.)

(Pisces, February 19 to March 20: That so-called “serious relationship” doesn’t have to take on such a somber tone. You’re certainly not inspired by the idea of going deeper into a dense, emotional fog. Infuse some lightness back into the mix today–before you have another one of those probing conversations about the future of your love. It’s time for a little reminder about what brought the two of you together in the first place. If doubling over in laughter isn’t part of the equation, you might want to rethink this relationship altogether. This is your life, Pisces, not a gloomy chapter from the “Twilight” series. Horoscope via Photograph source, Fashion Pulse.)

{P.S. See side bar for horoscope agenda to find which day your horoscope will be featured weekly on Simply Seductive.}