Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Interior Decor Inspiration: {The Olivers}

{simply swooning over some of the luxurious aspects of this feature home, such as white sheepskin rugs over each dining room chair, weathered horizontal wood planks on the walls juxtapositioned against a french antique chair and matching ottoman, black mother of pearl nesting tables and high-polished concrete floors... sigh!}

* Home of Jamie Laubhan-Oliver and Larry Oliver by Manny Rodriguez for D Home Magazine discovered via Atlantis Home.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Holiday Decor Inspiration: {New Year's Day}

{while the enchantment of Christmas has passed, a new year full of exciting plans and celebrations are just around the corner... hoping your Christmas was spectacular and that your holiday dreams are being met... until later... Linda, xo}

*Sköna Hem.

p.s. thank you for all your well wishes and lovely comments... I had a fabulous Christmas and just received the most wonderful news, which I will share with each of you very soon....

Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Holidays!

{Happy Holidays! Love you all, xoxo}

* We Heart It.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Holiday Decor Inspiration: {Traditional Red}

{well lovelies, Christmas is almost upon us... yesterday, I purchased loads of lovely red wrapping paper and my mission today is to wrap all the presents before the hubby gets home... I'm up for it!}

* We Heart It. | {from the ever-inspiring} Dress, Design & Decor

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Inspiration: {Nature}

{These photographs were saved one after another on we heart it... sometimes it just comes together naturally}

* 1. | 2. | 3. | 4.

Inspiration: {An Alluring Selection}

{have once again amassed a large selection of unused images, hoped at one time to be transformed into lovely storyboards, however with time, have only until now served a wonderfully useful purpose... a mix bag of inspiration... enjoy, xo}

* 1. | 2. | 3. | 4. unknown | 5. | 6. | 7. | 8. | 9. | 10. | 11. | 12. | 13. unknown | 14. | 15. | 16. | 17. | 18. | 19a. & 19b.  | 20. | 21. | 22. | 23. | 24.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Holiday Beauty Inspiration: {Les Ors de Guerlin}

{stumbled upon this enchanting beauty blog... the editor is absolutely charming and her lovely french is addictive... needless to say, I one of her newest followers!}

* Beauté Blog.

Inspiration: {Old World Charm}

{a 17th-Century English Estate... especially love the "Chintzes from the Tree of Life range by Braquenié
for Pierre Frey in the guest bedroom"... hope everyone had a wonderful weekend?... you know what is just around the corner... can't wait to relax with family and to give everyone their presents!}

* Trouvais.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Inspiration: {An Editorial}

{the lovely and my favourite Canadian model, Jessica Stam photographed by the esteemed Ellen von Unwerth... hope you are having a lovely Saturday so far... I will likely venture out to do the last of my Christmas shopping... {p.s. I am so thrilled to have won a beautiful new faux fur leopard print coat on Ebay yesterday for merely $40.00... the best part, it has a hot pink lining!}}

* Jessica Stam by Ellen von Unwerth for Vogue China January 2011 via Oh Fashion Model.