Thursday, September 30, 2010

Spotlight: {The Orient-Express}

{Imagine travelling from Paris to Vienna back in 1883 when this most lavish long-distance passenger train came into existence... Today, the ultimate life-time experience encompasses an fusion of luxury cruise, hotel and railway adventures in 25 countries across five continents. World-renowned destinations include the sanctuary of Machu Picchu, the Amalfi coast, the Angkor Wat temple, and Australia’s Blue Mountains...sigh!}

(Source, Hotze Eisma.  Text inspired from here.)

Runway Inspiration: {Max Mara ~ Spring 2011 RTW}


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Inspiration: {Noteworthy Cover}

{have always preferred straight shiny hair... model Hilary Rhoda masters the style.}

(Source, Hilary Rhoda for Vogue Turkey.)

Inspiration: {Early Autumn Recipes}

{stumbled upon some savory recipes from the second issue of the Sweet Paul Magazine and couldn't wait until cooler weather to share...}

(Source, all recipes from Sweet Paul Magazine. Sasha Pivovarova by Mario Testino for "Best of Beauty" for Allure, October 2010 via Fashion Spreads and Jane Birkin via Playground Lover.)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Inspiration: {An Alluring Selection}

{clearly without purpose or theme, an another alluring selection of random, lovely photographs... have a wonderful evening}

(Source: image 1) Sasha Pivovarova by Mario Testino in "Best of Beauty" for Allure, October 2010 via Fashion Spreads; 2) Dress, Design, Decor via Interiors Porn; 3) unknown; 4) Hei; 5) Blue Pool Road; 6) Style me Pretty; 7) Holier Than Now; 8) Gingerella; 9) Interiors Porn; 10) Oh Fashion Models)

Lovely and Unrelated

{Tuesday already... raining and dark as I write this post at 6:17 a.m. while eating my breakfast... finding less and less time to blog, which is really unfortunate as I have been receiving the most lovely comments from new (and lovely long-time) readers... feel I want to reach out even more, yet the challenge of finding enough time weighs heavily in my heart... have a lovely and fulfilling Tuesday. Linda, xo}

{p.s. still trying to figure out where exactly to place the "facebook like" button... thought to place it within the edit box of the post itself like the "tweet" button, but when I do this, the counter is astronomically high and obviously does not reflect the actual amount of people who have "liked" the post... any assistance would be greatly appreciated, lovely readers!} 

(Source, image 1) The Decorista; image 2) Fashion Spread)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Editorial: {Far from Heaven}

{...another pretty editorial, featuring the beautifully classic Canadian model, Shalom Harlow. Have a lovely Monday...}

(Source, Shalom Harlow by Javier Vallhonrat for Vogue UK June 2010 via Fashion Spreads.)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Inspiration: {Quotes}

{crazy, crazy workload and unexpected dinner guests this week have kept me entertained... have a lovely Friday!}

("It matters not what a person is born, but who they choose to be." ~ J.K. Rowling. Photograph via Nicole Bentley.)

{p.s. made a guest appearance on Caitlin's lovely Sacramento Street blog earlier this week re: 10 Things That Make Me Happy. Thank you, Caitlin for including me in your series.}

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Inspiration: {Autumn}

{It's official, today is the first day of autumn... have a lovely day.}

(Source, 1) Karlie Kloss (in Alexander McQueen) by Tim Walker via Miss Cherie Dior; 2) Flickr;)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Editorial: {Magnética Emily}

{I have a feeling there will be a lot of lovely editorials this fall/winter featuring sixty-style hairstyles and ensembles.}

(Source, Emily DiDonato by David Roemer for Marie Claire Spain October 2010 via Fashion Gone Rogue.)