Saturday, July 31, 2010

Extended Sign-off + Off to Miami

{Hello! Although my 10-day trip to Miami does not start until Wednesday, the next few days is all about last-minute shopping, luggage packing {which I always enjoy}, planning an itinerary and spending some quality time with family before departure... I plan to tweet about my vacation, so please feel free to drop in here to follow along!... in the meantime, wishing you all the very best...stay well, Linda xoxo}

(Source, scanned by Simply Seductive)

p.s. apologies to a reader who asked a question about an old post entitled "Inspiration Room"... unfortunately, I cannot find that particular post via blogger.  Feel free to send me the link to my e-mail, "" and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.  xoxo

Friday, July 30, 2010

Inspiration: {A Luxurious Pool}

{stunning... wading and lap pools are married together with beautiful islands of grasses and plants.  I love the weathered cedar landing surrounding the lap pool.}

(Source, Times Magazine.)

Lovely and Unrelated

{how can one resist a shimmery gold coffee table juxtapositioned against a deep purple velvet couch... love the gold eyeshadow and dramatic eyeliner in the second image... perhaps these images are related after all?}

(Source, image 1) Design is my Muse; 2) Chanel Bags and Cigarette Drags)

Spotlight: {Artist, Rex Ray}

{loving these wood panel art by famed artist, Rex Ray.)

(Source, Rex Ray.)

Inspiration: {High-Gloss Floor}

{am absolutely drawn to the high-gloss polished (faux-marble concrete or true marble?) floor and all the lovely gold and warm accents... today is the start of a 31-day vacation (yay)... currently still in my pjs... shamefully blissful!}

(Source, Laure Joliet Photography discovered via Plush Palate.)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Inspiration: {Jewels, Jewels, Jewels}

{an exceptional editorial with the most marvelous jewels}

(Source, Model Malene Knudsen by Benjamin Horne for Vogue Russia August 2010 via Oh Fashion Model.)

Inspiration: {Femme Fatale}

{lovely model, lovely photography}

(Source, Model Rianne ten Haken by Daniel Jackson for Vogue Nippon September 2010 via Oh Fashion Model.)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Inspiration: {Wallpaper, Encore}

{more lovely wallpaper... sorry for lack of posts, I have been busy trying to find a hotel for our vacation next week... finally complete... will be staying at the Fairmont.  Can't wait!}

(Source, image 1) Erin Ever After; 2) Design Sponge discovered via Lovely Happenings; 3) Luxe and Lilies) 4 & 5) Desire to Inspire; 6) Photographer, Pia Ulin.)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Inspiration: {Fun, fun, fun}

{How gorgeous is this nail art?  Hope your weekend was fabulous!  This is my last week at work before going on annual leave!  My husband and I have decided to go to Miami for our vacation this summer.  Have any of you been, or live there now?  I would love your recommendations as to which shops or places to visit... albeit I will have to drag myself away from the beaches, which may be difficult.  Have a great week...}

(Source, Highsnobette)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Weekend Signoff :)

{Have a wonderful, wonderful weekend!}

(Source, Photographer Pia Ulin discovered via This is Glamorous}

Inspiration: {Simplicity}

{as they say, less is more...}

(Source, images 1, 2, 3 and 5) Room 269; 4) The Beautiful Soup)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

A moment in time

(Source, image 1) Lovely Clusters; 2) Photography Mikael Olsson via Lund Lund Photography)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Inspiration: {Swimwear}

{isn't this retro-inspired yet modern swimsuit with extra-large matching straw hat absolutely gorgeous? I would purchase this swimwear in an instant as I especially love the deep olive color. I think it would look smashing with a golden tan, n'est pas?}

(Source, Bela Alder and Salvador Fresneda Photography.)

Inspiration: {Kate Spade's New Home Collection}

{came across these amazing behind-the-scene shots of Kate Spade's new Home Collection via the ever-inspiring Everything Fabulous and just had to share with Simply Seductive readers!)

(Source, Everything Fabulous)

Inspiration: {Quotes}

("Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well." ~ Voltaire. Photograph source, Chanel Bags and Cigarettes Drags.)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lovely and Unrelated

{Hello beautiful... crown moulding, wide floor planks painted in white, strong black accents, an intense chandelier and yet surprisingly what I love the most of this interior is the lovely brass door handle... }

(Source, image 1) The Beautiful Soup; 2) Chanel Bags and Cigarettes Drags)

Inspiration: {Chanel ~ Couture Fall 2010}

{adore couture, especially Chanel couture}


Monday, July 19, 2010

Inspiration: {An Editorial}

{Good Monday morning! Hope all is well and that your weekend was splendid! Not sure what the week ahead holds in store for me, but I'm going in with a positive attitude! Wishing you all the very best for a fantastic week.}

(Source, Karlie Kloss by Raymond Meier for Vogue US August 2010 via Oh Fashion)