Monday, May 31, 2010

Noteworthy Cover

{What better way to begin your week than with these bright and cheerful photographs from famed photographer Ellen von Unwerth... Happy Monday!}

(Source, Mina Cvetkovic, Heloise Guerin and Lais Oliveria by Ellen von Unwerth for Vogue US Beauty June 10 via Models)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Weekend Signoff + And a Fantasy Getaway

{the ultimate fantasy getaway... a fabulously glorious editorial.  Hoping your weekend is absolutely spectacular, xoxo}

(Source, L'Officiel Paris June/July 10 via Cartoon Styles)

Inspiration: {Moschino ~ Resort 2010}

{quite simply adore the amazing resort collection from Moschino... had the hardest time choosing my favourites... enjoy}


Inspiration {Swimwear}

{gorgeous model, photography and swimwear = one happy customer! I especially love the first two...}

(Source, J. Crew)

Inspiration: {An Editorial}

{the first photograph is not my favourite, but it is certainly captivating, which is why I placed it first... her smile is infectious}

(Source, Stylist Karl Kempler for Vogue Italia May 2010 via design relevant)

Inspiration: {Two Lovely Bedrooms}

{Friday! I hope your day is fantastic...}

(Source, Red Glasses edited by Simply Seductive)

{p.s. Have received so many lovely comments this week... thank you!}

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Inspiration: {Hints of Red}

(Source, Image 1) Heaven, Image 2) Kate Moss by Mario Testino), Image 3) Natalie Portman by Annie Leibovitz via Lovely Clusters)

{p.s. thank you Simply Luxurious for this lovely award}

Color Inspiration: {Shades of Pink}

{a random collection of photographs... the common factor? a subtle hint of pink}

(Source, Difabulous)

(Source, Imgfave.)

(Source, From the Right Bank.)

(Source, Sacremento Street.)

(Source, You Look Older, I can tell by your hands.)

(Source, Aubrey Road.)

(Source, Isabeli Fontana for W Jewelry US 04 Nathaniel Goldberg via TFS (mirik))

(Source, Flickr.)

(Source, Flickr.)