(Capricorn, December 22 to January 19: It's all about holding on to what you've got today -- a lot of people around you are interested in getting things without doing any work to earn them, and they are looking your way! Watch sharing your resources -- while you are offering your help or your pen or a few dollars for their lunch, they'll be thinking you're a real pushover. It's dangerous to send this message right now, so you might want to back off and be a little bit more stingy. Your reputation depends on it.) (Aquarius, January 20 to February 18: Your creativity is positively bursting out of you today, and it will insert itself into just about everything you do (whether you want it or not). In normal conversation you'll suddenly start rhyming. Your emails will become brilliant haikus. A mindless tune you're humming will get people dancing. You have an artistic and expressive sense about you and it always helps you make the day a little bit brighter. If you come across someone who's sad, your sweet words will boost their spirits.)
(Pisces, February 19 to March 20: You are full of so much positive energy today that your ego will be enormous -- just be careful that you don't lose sight of what you are actually capable of. You can negotiate the difference between cocky and confident. It's a great time to try your most insane-sounding scheme and see how far you can take it. On any other day, reality might keep you from aiming so high -- but today, you don't really feel like anything can stop you. And you just might be right!Horoscopes from us.glamour.com. Photograph Source, Iris Brosch. Until next week!)
(Libra, September 23 to October 22: All is forgiven later on today when you suddenly feel an overwhelming affection for a former foe. Something in the universe is showing you that conflict can be a choice -- and it's one you don't want to make anymore. This fresh, positive perspective is going to open you up and let you find some inspiration in the actions of a loved one. Stay close to your family or love partner and block out the rest of the world. Celebrate your happiness with those who helped you attain it!) (Scorpio: October 23 to November 21: Today, a new friend's invitation will help you learn more about a culture or subculture that you've always been curious about. This is a wonderful day for you to go exploring. Be party to as many different aspects of this unique culture as possible. Go to a foreign restaurant, listen to some ethnic music, or just rent a movie made in this exotic place. You are curious about expanding your horizons, so feed that curiosity today.) (Sagittarius, November 22 to December 21: The fact is, people sometimes disagree and fight about issues -- but that doesn't mean that they can't ever find common ground. And it definitely does not mean that they don't care about each other! So if you are feeling especially mismatched or out of synch with a close friend or romantic partner right now, don't worry. This is not the end -- it's just a weird phase that will end when it needs to end. Maybe you two need some space apart for a while.Horoscope via us.glamour.com. Photograph source, unknown. Tomorrow, April 30th's horoscope: Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces!)
(Cancer, June 24 to July 22: There is an exceptionally high energy in your creativity today, so make the most of it! Integrate color, music and unusual shapes into your day to open up your mind. Complex, conceptual ideas are suddenly crystal clear, so if you've been waiting for the right time to sell an idea or convince someone to change their mind, today is the day. Make it happen! It will be an immensely satisfying day, overall. You will go to bed knowing you did everything you did as well as you could.) (Leo, July 23 to August 23: Asking for help does not make you a weak person! So before things get to the panic phase, you need to seek the assistance that you know you need. Friends who have been there before are waiting for you to ask for help, and they have some wise advice you need to hear. Ask for what you need today. No negative assumptions will be made -- your reputation is stronger than you think! Expressing your needs won't make you needy. It will make you feel empowered.) (Virgo, August 24 to September 22: Your growing sense of confidence is quite well deserved, but you need to be careful not to get too cocky right now. You're still going to make mistakes every now and again, and you don't know everything. So if you want to maintain your popularity, you need to play things safe for a while. Do not make any bold moves or major proclamations. You might also want to put on your politically correct hat for the day -- just in case. Be careful when communicating, and don't tick anyone off.Horoscopes via Marie Claire.com. Photograph Source, a view to. Tomorrow, April 29th's horoscope: Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius!)
(Aries, March 21 to April 19: Someone you work with is claiming to be working hard to get things done, but have you seen any real progress from them? If not, then your patience is probably running low -- and you need to let them know that you're not very happy. It's not wise to get threatening about it, but you should feel free to be more blunt than diplomatic when you talk to them about what they need to get done. Clear communication sometimes requires that you leave the charm behind. Photograph Source, Flickr.) (Taurus, April 20 to May 20: It's time to start winging it again! Get back in touch with the unconscious or subliminal forces in your life, because they always push you in the right direction. Act on your impulses, not your conclusions. Right now, moving through your life without thinking too hard about what you are doing might not be such a bad idea. You are used to thinking things through -- and that is certainly wise. But moving forward on a project does not always require a detailed road map. Photograph Source, Flickr.) (Gemini, May 21 to June 21: Getting into a long conversation with an intellectual heavyweight will be entertaining and enriching for you today -- and nowhere near as intimidating as you fear. You have just as much to bring to a conversation as this person does, in fact you might even have more. It's time to stop selling yourself short and assuming that your ideas aren't relevant. You two come from different sides of the street, but that street is going in the same direction. Open up and share your honest opinions.Horoscope via us.glamour.com. Photograph Source, Flickr. P.s. you may also be interested in this post. Tuesday, April 28th's horoscope: Cancer, Leo & Virgo.)
(Have had an extremely unusual week; worked late, attended dinner parties, etc... simply exhausted. Unfortunately, I couldn't get time to prepare a 'Friday Spotlight' post; will make it up to you! I wish you all a beautiful and relaxing weekend. Source, Le Love.)
(Capricorn, December 22 to January 20: Little details like names and dates are overwhelming for you today, and you're getting a bit behind on the task of keeping track of them. But do not worry -- if you get on the ball and work out an organizational scheme in the morning, you'll get everything done and still have a little bit of time to make sure that you stay sane. Socially, you may have double booked yourself -- given how busy you've been lately, you might want to cancel both dates and take some time alone to relax.) (Aquarius, January 21 to February 18: Be careful not to relax too much today -- if you let down your guard too much, you could start falling back into a bad pattern of behavior. You worked too hard to get to where you are now, so don't let yourself slide. Self discipline can be tough when you're on your own, so if you feel yourself succumbing to temptation, try the buddy system. Meet up with a friend and spend your day with them -- and away from whatever it is that you know isn't good for you!) (Pisces, February 19 to March 20: The weather will affect your mood greatly today, so keep an eye on the sky! When the sun is shining brightly up in the sky, all will be well -- and your confidence will be strong. But when the clouds roll in, you could be in for an unpleasant phase of boredom or general grumpiness. So if you expect that an argument could be looming, make sure the sun is shining when you have it. And if it's not, then try to put this conflict-filled conversation off for another day. Horoscope via Marie Claire.com. Photograph Source, Bersa. Until next week!)
(Libra, September 23 to October 23: You should just relax and try to enjoy watching the world go by today -- resist the urge to dive into the rat race. Life from the sidelines can be just as beautiful as life in the heat of the action can be. Plus, gaining an outsider's perspective will come in handy in future relationships and job opportunities. Understanding why people are doing what they're doing will give you a leg up on the competition. Coasting through life today will help you greatly tomorrow.) (Scorpio, October 24 to November 21: Getting a friend to join you on your latest plan might be difficult, but it will be worth all the effort it takes. They make things more fun! Even though they need to be convinced, when it comes to what to do next, their presence is important to you. So don't give up until they eventually say 'yes.' You're ready to be more spontaneous, and they should try it, too. Appeal to their imagination. Paint a picture of the best case scenario -- that might sway them over to your side.) (Sagittarius, November 22 to December 21: What happened to that famous 'can do' attitude of yours? Today you can try to get it back by asking friends to give you a few words of encouragement. And they're going to love being the person that you can rely on right now, especially after all you have done for them. Your capabilities have never dimmed, but it looks like your self-confidence has -- and that simply won't do. The good news is, you can get it back today, if you let your friends cheer you on. Horoscope via Marie Claire.com. Photograph Source, Seri* on Flickr. Tomorrow, Thursday, April 23rd's horoscope: Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces.)
(Cancer, June 24 to July 22: Today is about taking the time you need to establish things -- instead of just trying something for fifteen minutes, you need to delve in and make more of a commitment. This applies to growing relationships, improving your career options, and just entertaining yourself. Don't just send a flirty email to that person you're into. Call them up and get a deeper conversation going. Share your philosophy and they will share theirs with you. This will be a good way to spend the day.) (Leo, July 23 to August 23: Simple pleasures hold the greatest satisfaction for you today, so keep close to home and enjoy some quiet time. One great idea might be to have some friends over for a meal. Cooking together could be fun and is likely to get everyone's creative juices flowing. Your wanderlust kicks in today when someone mentions their upcoming plans for overseas travel. Move forward on planning you next adventure today, and you may stumble across an excellent opportunity.) (Virgo, August 24 to September 22: Past mistakes or missteps are all water under the bridge -- you cannot think of them when you are thinking about what to do next. Looking backwards when you're trying to go forward is a recipe for disaster. So if you're embarking on any new projects, relationships or work environments today, you have to have an open mind and a strong attitude that anything is possible. Positive thinking will empower you and encourage you to take chances when you might not have before.Horoscopes via Marie Claire.com. Photograph Source, Ellen von unwerth. Tomorrow, Wednesday April 22nd's horoscope: Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius.)
(Aries,March 21 - April 19: Watch for frustration with your bank account right now. You can get a handle on the stress your money issues are causing, but only if you keep cool. Now is not the time to react with dramatic and panicky changes. Cut back on your budget too much, and you'll only beat yourself up when you aren't able to live with such stringent guidelines. You can find a middle ground, making small changes that will make a big difference over time. Do not be impatient about this.Michael Kors Turquoise Santorini Straw Cluth via Neiman Marcus.com) (Taurus, April 20 - May 20: Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean that you can't get along with them. You can even laugh together! If you always opted out of being friends with people who think about life differently than you do, you'd miss out. The back-and-forth debate in this relationship creates an exciting intellectual reward, and that has a valuable place in your life. You have so much more to offer than just your congeniality, and people are just as attracted to your rough edges as they are to your smooth ways. Fendi Beaded Clutch via net-a-porter.com) (Gemini, May 21 - June 21: Get creative in how you handle mundane tasks today, and you will get a lot done. Even if you simply put on one of your favorite CDs while you are washing the dishes, the added stimulation that your right brain receives will keep you smiling and boost your 'can do' attitude skyward. You'll be able to keep a great momentum going throughout the day, without yawning once! It's a great time to power through errands and finish up old projects that you've left half finished.Christian Louboutin Clutch via net-a-porter.com. Horoscopes via us.glamour.com. Tomorrow, Tuesday, April 21's horoscope: Cancer, Leo & Virgo!)