(as I have a preference for all things typography and collages, I absolutely adore these pillows from Bonjour Mon Coussin, discovered via Delikatissen.)
(Posting has been scarce this past week due to many factors... will try my best to make it up to readers next week. In the meantime, have a wonderful weekend. Thanks to everyone who left a comment and to all that stopped in for a visit during the week! Source, Anders Overgaard Photography.)
(Did the title of this post get our attention? Well, I WAS really fooling around, but in Polyvore...created this set quickly. If interested, you can find details about the items, here.)
(not only does this shot make me crave summer, but I ache for the model's carefree hairstyle. The good news is that my own hair is half the length of this model's and soon I will master the carefree curl-look... and then when I've mastered that, I'll cut it to the shoulder, in a straight bob with no bangs! What hairstyle are you coveting...? Source, Girl With a Satchel (left side bar.)