Friday, January 30, 2009

Weekend Signoff :)

(Source, Photographer Pamela Hanson.)

Paris strolling

(just hanging about in Paris... Source, Le Fashion.)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

New Heights

(Source, Lolita.)

(Photographer unknown, discovered via Creative Archive.)
(Photographer, Paolo Santambrogio.)

(Source, Le Fashion.)
(You may also be interested in an earlier post, found here.

Inspiration: Etherealness

(completely enchanted by these photographs... Photographer, Honer Akrawi.)

Ellen, once more

(she's so talented... becoming one of my favorite fashion photographers that I think I'll feature her on a monthly basis. Source, Ellen Von Unwerth.)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

White Hot

(Source, Apartment Therapy Chicago.)

(Source, New York Times "Exposing the Bare Bones.")

(Source, The Style Files.)

(Source, flickr.)

Short Wedding Dress Club

(dubbed the short wedding dress club, I would seriously consider these fabulous dresses if I were planning to marry these days... such a refreshing look... and given all the couture details, the bride will no doubt shine on her special day. Photographs from British Cosmo Bride. Source, here; discovered via Lovely Happenings, Megan, a delightfully enthusiastic and energetic blogger who, at the time of writing this post, posted her 218 post for January alone! P.S. I adore the first dress!)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Fashion Illustrator, Arturo Elena

(have a weakness for fashion illustrations... these are exceptional. Source, Arturo Elena.)

Canadian Designer, Carlie Wong

(exquisitely tailored and feminine... Carlie Wong's Spring/Summer 2009 collection. Source, Carlie Wong.)

Mad plaid


(love it... Source, Karl Rothenberger.)

(love the proportions... Source, Fashion Gone Rogue.)

(Source, Giorgiozgatti.)

(Jean Paul Gaultier. source,


Monday, January 26, 2009

Artist, Anish Kapoor

(amazing art...the pigments are so intense, absolutely love these drawings. Source, Regen Projects, discovered via Art MoCo.)

Postcard from Sydney

(this brings me back memories...loved Sydney. Source, Desire to Inspire.)

Apartment Love

(How to personalize a space 101... start with a fantastic layout, add white paint and then add colorful personal accents and furniture that appeals to you...absolutely gorgeous. Christian Lacroix's apartment in Le Marais. Source, Lolita.)